Assembly Languange in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Coding

This is for student who enrolled in Computer Architecture and Organization...simple tutorial for you guys with explaination so you guys can start coding faster and easier.

2.Display a null-terminated string and move the cursor to the beginning of the next screen line. Attach the output screen capture for this example

EDX usually use for string

3.Display an unsigned integer in binary, decimal, and hexadecimal, each on a separate line.


4.Input a string from the user (ReadString). EDX points to the string. Attach the output screen capture for this example. 
call WriteString =cout
call ReadString=cin


5.Input a decimal number from the user (ReadDec).. The procedure reads a 32- bit unsigned decimal integer from the keyboard and returns the value in EAX. Output a number to screen (WriteDec). The procedure writes a 32-bit unsigned integer to the console window in decimal format with no leading zeros. Pass the integer in EAX. Attach the output screen capture for this example.

6.Generate and display ten pseudorandom signed integers in the range 0 – 99. Pass each integer to WriteInt in EAX and display it on a separate line. Attach the output screen capture for this example. 

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